Does Your Computer Keep Rebooting Itself? Solve the Problem

When a computer keeps rebooting itself without providing any warning, it can happen due to several problems, which include overheating or damaged parts inside your machine, incompatible software like Antivirus software and Firewalls, and also incompatible peripherals like scanners and printers.

Tips to fix the problem :

* You probably would not like your computer to keep rebooting again and again; in fact this is very annoying. Get started with solving the problem.
* If a reboot happens from within Windows XP, your machine will start again without informing you what caused it. This happens by default when a system failure occurs in Windows XP. If you need information on the error, all you have to do is change the default behavior, by right clicking on My Computer and going to Properties. Your next step will be to go to Advanced tab and click on Setting button under Startup and Recovery.

* Under the System Failure box, you will find a checkbox which says Automatically Restart; you need to unmark this box and then click OK. This being done, you will get to see the Windows error blue screen when your system experiences a failure next time. An error code will also be provided which you can jot down on a paper for help if you need to call a remote computer service provider.

* Also check if faulty power supply is causing the machine to reboot randomly without any warning; if power supply is the culprit, get it fixed.

Is the computer getting too hot and rebooting?

* If your computer is rebooting itself often without any warning due to the computer processor getting too hot, you may enter the computer bios when booting. This is mostly done by pressing Delete, F1 or F10 when the computer is just switched on. This enables the user to know about the computer’s current temperature as well as the emergency shutdown temperature. Well, you may increase the shutdown temperature or may be switch it off totally if you want to.

* Note that the emergency shutdown temperature acts like a safeguard for your computer, since it detects when the computer is too hot and shuts it down to prevent damages. Switching it off completely might prove to be harmful for your computer of it gets too hot.

* You can also give a thought to getting more powerful case fans and CPU fans for keeping your machine cool as much as possible. Keep in mind that dust accumulating on these fans, can also make the machine heat faster; thus, it is necessary to clean the fan sometimes.

These tips should help you resolve the issue; in case, you need help, call an Computer Repair Company San Diego provider.

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